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Partners and Outcomes

XX-XXI CenturyJobs - Bridge the Gap

The project "XX-XXI century jobs - Bridge the gap" wants to focus the students` attention on old and new jobs: their importance in our traditional heritage and in the social and economic structure of the communities.


The project aims at awaking the students` interest in different cultures, improving the use of ICT, promoting tolerance, encouraging awareness of the labour market, preventing dropping out of school, improving students` linguistic and communicative competences, giving them a chance to cooperate with their peers abroad.

The project will be carried out by 7 schools: Italy,Turkey-secondary level-vocational training; Spain-tertiary level-vocational training; Bulgaria, Poland-secondary level-general education; Hungary-junior secondary level; Greece-primary junior level.


We strongly believe that the achievement of the project goals will have a positive impact on all schools and local communities and will be used in cross-curricular activities as part of future job-oriented plans.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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