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 Learning/Teaching/Training Activity in Sofia, Bulgaria 15-21 November 2015 

XX-XXI CenturyJobs - Bridge the Gap

Sofia, Bulgaria 15-21 November 2015

Our guest are tutors and students from six European countries - Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Poland and Hungary. The partners engaged into the project participated in workshops - embroidery, manufacture of traditional  martenitsas, pottery. They visited National Museum of History, as well as the old workshops in the Ether and Plovdiv. The partakers shared their experience in the expertise of entering professions of the last and current century. 

2SOU "Akad. Emiliyan Stanev"


A day field trip to Etara-an ethnographic complex, where the students can observe craftsmen in action. 

A day field trip to Plovdiv- a visit to the Ethnographical Museum and the Antique Amphitheatre, students will explore the fascinating architecture of the old Bulgarien houses.

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